Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Amazing Woman Warrior

As we have just commemorated ANZAC Day and the focus is on World War One plus the fact I did not blog about any women in history during history month, I am aiming to satisfy both with this story found in the Orange Leader through Trove dated 18 March 1918. She would actually leave Russia on a ship bound for America on 18 April 1918!
Although not Australian, I find this story inspiring for what Russian Marie Bockhareva accomplished. 
Read the article here that sparked my interest....
It would appear however that some of the facts in the article are not correct, she was beaten by her alcoholic  father and then physically abused by her husband, whom she left. She would rise above all this and become Commander of the Russian Women's Battalion of Death.
Although it says in the article she was illiterate, she actually had an autobiography set down, which you can read here all 339 pages! Digitised thanks to funding by Microsoft!
Yashka, my life as peasant, exile and soldier.

I do hope you enjoy the book! I would love to hear what you think of her life in the comments!

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